30 Wonderful modern bathroom design ideas from Cerasa

To set up the bathroom as well as any other room in the apartment the perfect inspiration is necessary, we will help you in this difficult task and bring to you modern bathroom design ideas from the Italian company Cerasa. The bathroom design ideas are very divers in terms of shapes and colors, even the designs are homely but they are also luxury.

See also: Cool space saving bathroom ideas and furniture design

Bathroom design ideas from Cerasa  

Bathroom design ideas from Cerasa

Bathroom design ideas from Cerasa
In this design for example, the bathroom design ideas are out-standing for one thing the cupboard in red high gloss and the sunken path is like a pool. Both in combination with white high gloss floor give the bathroom a modern atmosphere.

Bathroom design Ideas:  red outstanding minimalist bathroom Cabinets
A white bathroom  is also ideal cabinets in a berry color, at least in this example bathroom design ideas. Another delight is the floral ornaments that adorn the console and the mirror and also there is a sunken bath.
Bathroom design Ideas: white walls and closets in Beer color
If you prefer the wood look this variant is perfect for bathroom furniture, the modern bathroom designs combines classic wood with warm atmosphere. It decorated with a long beautiful carpet and a large window provides plenty of light and brightness.

bathroom designs ideas: wooden style
Bathroom storage units ideas,  the cabinets from a combination of white and a friendly yellow. The wall is adorned with large, natural colored tile that fit perfectly with the rest of the facility. Many modern bathroom ideas, including this one, have a bathtub in the center of the room. 

Modern bathroom designs and ideas for storage

Bathroom storage units: White and Yellow make delightful blend
With such a floor, you will feel almost like at the beach. To continue the nature theme, we chose wooden bathroom storage units in natural tones . Decorated with yellow tub, and a large window.

bathroom storage units: Shaggy carpet in sand color for beach feeling
Bathroom design ideas, in this example appear the floral ornaments. The combination of white and burgundy turn it to extremely glossy and elegant style. The straight lines of the cabinets to be broken by an organically shaped mirror and a curved table lamp.

modern bathroom design: bathroom furniture with floral motifs
There is a bathroom with no windows can be cozy and relaxing, and this is the example for this modern bathroom design. it was decorated with large tiles in pleasing natural shades and the sunken bath.

modern bathroom design: Practically without windows
Bathroom design ideas, this design is simple and elegant. A long console, at the end the sink is located, as well as a shelf for placing the care products . In addition, there is also still a luxurious sunken bath.

bathroom design ideas: simple and elegant
You can spice up a white bathroom design ideas with a pretty wall warm color. In this case we chose the yellow, which also adorns the bathtub. The noble console and ottoman are made of a dark wood, with outstanding large round mirror.

Bathroom design ideas:  with color
Bathroom design Ideas,  a wall of stone is the perfect background for the console in lavender. In addition to adorn a black lounge chair, coffee table and carpet the bathroom.   
Bathroom design Ideas: classic stone wall

For more great bathroom ideas below

bathroom design ideas: Classical furniture and wallpaper
bathroom storage units classic wood style

modern bathroom designs
modern bathroom designs
Bathroom design ideas from Cerasa


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