How to make colorful stairs designs for inspiring interior

Many people forget when they think of decorative terms and after all they are still an important part over any home that has stairs . Moreover, it becomes a very important part because it is the one that always take us to the bedrooms or down to the kitchen, living room or garden. So there would never forget their decor. Normally usually of stone or wood, but they can also be decorated very modern and original way. This is a colorful stairs design , and quite modern.

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Modern design ideas for stairs
We can do it in different ways and with different styles considering steps, railings or handrails, and even the walls . We can decorate all of them or just one. The results can be very beautiful but not everyone is prepared to carry out a renovation like this at home. Let's look in detail some proposals ...

Beautiful colors of stairs designs
This is a stairs design colorful , and quite modern. Not suitable for all audiences all households-nor you like it or hate it, but it is a very original idea that was designed for an exhibition decoration in New York. As they have done? It is very expensive? We can do at home something? YES! This fact only colored ribbons , so we can do it at home and experiment with the design you want. You urge to try your stairs ?

Modern colorful stairs design
White staircase transformed with a colorful striped rug
stripped carpet for colorful stairs designs
A different colorful stairs designEach step is assigned a different color.


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